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Friday, January 10, 2025


In my younger days I spent literally days trying to remove rust from things. Cars, bikes, gates, tools, and a host of other steel related products. I was never that successful as it always seemed to return no matter how much removing and painting work I did. Years on and I find myself in the strange situation of actually trying to add rust to things! Somewhat bizarrely, not steel related products but plastic is the material to which I am adding rust! The 09 project rolling stock is the current recipient of my rusting work. The skips and loco have been suitably corroded with a mix of weathering powders as the pictures below show. 

The difference between a rusted and a dirtied skip body shows what a dramatic effect rusting can have on a model and, in my view, making that rusty skip body look as though it really has worked over the years.

09 3D print loco Caravan

09 3D print loco Caravan

09 3D print loco Caravan

Having painted the insides of the skip in a metal colour, the rust powders give that nice contrast of areas of polished steel from what ever is carried in the skip to areas where rust has taken hold.

09 3D print loco Caravan

09 3D print loco Caravan

The loco was not as heavily rusted but it still looks fairly worn!

09 3D print loco Caravan

The interior of the cab also looks like it could do with a clean.

09 3D print loco Caravan

As does the radiator area.

09 3D print loco Caravan

It still needs some more detailing but I think that rust really brings out the character of the model. I just wouyld not like to have to remove the rust from the real life rolling stock!

09 3D print loco Caravan


  1. Happy New Year Woody.
    These are looking good. I like the blue livery and the rust effects are spot on :-)

  2. Hi Steve, Happy New Year and I trust that Christmas brought you some interesting presents. Thanks for the thumbs up on painting and rusting. Still a bit more to do but I think I am just about there. The layout will probably be A3 or thereabouts which will oddly make it the smallest layout I have built but using the largest gauge that I have used - so far! Woody
