I had to ply this baby bird out of my garage. It flew in and decided that for 20 minutes it was going to explore the inaccessible rear regions of the garage that I haven't seen for years. Eventually my encouraging sounds and gestures for it to leave paid dividends but it stopped on the way out for a photo opportunity. Not sure if it is a baby blackbird or thrush but I do hope it survives.
With one end of the baseboard having all its track wired and soldered in place it was time to think about the other end. I had already determined that I needed to thin down the sub base plywood to lower it and avoid a hump in the track. I had done this on the first two parts by using an electric sander ti sand off one ply of the plywood. However, in my never ceasing ventures of brute force and ignorance I thought there must be a speeder way of doing this and decided I could simply ply the one ply of ply that I needed off the plywood sub base! That is a lot of plys but I trust you see what I mean from the photo below!