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Showing posts with label Fawlty Towers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fawlty Towers. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022

A day of nothing much!

Every now and again you get one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything and nothing gets done! Today was one of those days with most of it spent watching TV or on the tablet. Even feeding ourselves Mrs. Woody and me went for the unhealthy option of a visit to a nearby Fish and Chip shop because it was quick and easy. She had chips with fish whilst I went for the more meat focused option of chips and pork pie! Tasty!. Not too bad as we only do these things rarely.

Back at WMD HQ it was a case of looking at what was on TV and I noticed a rerun of the 1970s comedy series Fawlty Towers staring John Cleese. Loved the two series that were made and still love the reruns. One of the early episodes has Basil Fawlty driving his car which keeps breaking down. Eventually he threatens it with 'a damn good thrashing' if it doesn't start. Obviously it doesn't so he does give it a thrashing. You can see that clip on YouTube by clicking here. 

It did remind me that in my odd ball collection of models I do actually have a Corgi recreation of that scene. Bought second hand at a model railway show for a modest price it is something to look at, get nostalgic and reminded about some good laughs and generally feel better about the World and life in general. In fact it is a bit of a tonic! 

Hopefully tomorrow will be slightly more productive - but I did enjoy the chips as did Mrs. W!

Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers