Again not much model making today, just a few minutes to stick some brick paper to the card for the walls on the tunnel sub-base that I am building.
However, there was a lot of painting with the various skirting boards and door architrave for the cloakroom getting three top coats. Painting a dark colour over white primer is no fun!
However it does contrast well with the rest of the paint and fittings.
Now here is something that I have never done before - wash a Transit van! Phil the builders van has been filthy for weeks and my questioning as to why he had not cleaned it got no where and with no sign of him getting round to it O took bucket and sponge to it. It was filthy and I did at one point ask Phil if he had a bio-hazard sticker I could put on it!
However, 90 minutes later and it was looking like a .....white van! Just hope Phil doesn't think that this is a regular thing!