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Showing posts with label Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Decal delight!

I don't normally get anywhere near this stage of a model build in such a short time so I was delighted to be decaling (is that a word???) on the Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk model  First off though a coating of gloss varnish was airbrushed all over the model. This gives a smooth surface that the decals can be applied to which avoids the possibility of 'silvering'. This is the phenomena where applying the decal to a rough matt surface traps air between the decal and the surface which results in the decal having a silver colour around its edges in certain light conditions.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

There are a quite a number of decals for such a small model and it is worth taking time to position them correctly otherwise any imperfections stick out like a sore thumb. In addition there are a number of recessed panel lines on the model over which the decals go. Just leaving them flat would not look right as the decal should drop into the recess of the panel line. Luckily there are products (Micro Sol and Mirco Set are two such products) that assist in creating this by softening the decal so that it moulds its self to the surface over which t is placed. These are brushed on  and left to do their work with maybe a little encouragement from a moist cotton bud. Patience is the name of the game. 

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

I still have the underside wing roundels and the Tomahawk bird teeth and eyes to fit  but in the picture below the effect of the decal moulding itself to the underlying surface is clear to see.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

Hopefully getting the last of the decals applied will also be a delight!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Lots of Wows!

Mrs. Woody and me had a day out - it was her birthday after all! We ended up at Burghley House just outside Stamford in Lincolnshire. We had never been before and it was to say the least a Wow property. You jus kept saying Wow! 

First thing that made me go Wow was the house itself.

Burghley House

Second Wow was the arrival of the chimney sweeps! Looking at all those chimneys on the house these guys must have at least a months worth of work ahead of them!

Burghley House

Going inside the kitchen is another Wow with all the copper pots.

Burghley House

Theses were just some of the bells that would ring in the servants area when assistance was required - Wow!

Burghley House

Before being queen, Victoria slept in this so called 'Travelling' bed!

Burghley House

There are around 350 paintings on display.

Burghley House

It was not just paintings on display but entire rooms painted like this.

Burghley House

The rooms were all painted in a 3D manner - very deceptive to the eye.

Burghley House

More Wow moments n the huge gardens with the Garden of Surprises being particularly interesting with a variety of water features.

Burghley House

Burghley House

Burghley House

The day really was a Wow day and after a birthday meal out it was back to WMD HQ where I was onto more painting of the  Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk. This time the underside using the provided paint which looks like that classic duck egg green that was used during WW2. First off though was a bit of masking.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B,

With that applied the paint was airbrushed on.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B,

Then it was that precarious moment as I removed the masking tape hoping it would not pull the paint under it off the model. Wow! I was lucky or should that be skillful? 

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B,

It needs some varnish next to allow the decals to be applied but all in all, so far a quick and easy build as Mr. Beecham said it would be when I started. Wow!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Seat goes up, seat goes down! Or how to amuse a simple mind!

Following on from the kitchen rebuild, Mrs. Woody has decided that the 1993 bathroom needs updating. For an easy life I have agreed (I am learning in old age!) so we are now touring bathroom showrooms. Surprisingly I was informed that bathroom suites in those old favorite colours of yellow, chocolate brown, burgundy and powder blue are no longer available with white being the in colour! Apparently it has been the in colour for some years now. Mrs. W is not surprised that fact bypassed me noting my fashion sense over the years!!

Now the choice of bathroom suites is enormous and you become blind to the differences after seeing several dozen of the things but occasionally something stands out and for me it was this automated toilet seat! Now as Mrs. W would tell you simple things amuse my simple mind and this is just one such thing! Had to video it and love the way it rises as you approach. 

As Homer Simpson would say, Seat goes up, seat goes down! 

This bathroom perusal is going to take some time so I hope there are more items like this to amuse my simple mind!

Back at WMD HQ the Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk is progressing with the second part of the camouflage now applied - almost the same colour as those chocolate brown bath suites of old! I did manage to break one of the machine gun barrels off the wing but luckily found it and reaffixed it. Somehow I think I might be having to do that again with my clumsiness in painting the model!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B,

Monday, October 14, 2024

Gravy or paint?

Time for some painting which seems a common theme of my life as of late! However in this case a more pleasurable painting operation involving the Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk. Having got to the stage where the main parts had been assembled it was prudent to give the model a coat of primer. In this case a light grey which just happened to be to hand which was handy! There are not a lot of places to hold this small model when airbrushing it so a cocktail stick was carefully inserted where the propeller will eventually fit - oh nasty!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

That cocktail stick did its job though and all the model got a good coating of primer.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

Whilst the primer was drying I was looking at top coat options. I could search through the WMD HQ paint store to find suitable colours or I could use what was supplied in the kit. The supplied paint did not exactly look inspiring, in fact it looked more lumpy than any gravy I have ever made without the close supervision of Mrs. Woody. However, I decided it was worth a go to see if I could thin it out and actually have something workable unlike my gravy! Mixing some of the lumps with some thinners and stirring like mad for some time actually produced a paint like substance so it was time to see if it actually would come out of the airbrush or just clog it.

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

Pleasantly surprisingly it did actually spray well! So the first part of the paint scheme is now applied. I just need to let that dry thoroughly and then see if I can get the darker brown lumpy gravy paint to thin out suitably to airbrush or even brush paint. Now did Mrs. W want gravy with her dinner......

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B


Sunday, October 13, 2024

In the flying seat!

 Just a finishing touch to the cockpit with the application of some panel line wash to highlight the detail. It probably will be unseen but it was something I thought worthwhile doing as I would know it was done!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

In preparation for the placement of other parts of the fuselage I had to smooth the joint between the two halves. Doing this obliterated part of a recessed panel line so I had to reinstate it. A piece of masking tape highlights where it should be and the very thin razor saw was used to 'cut' in a new panel line along the edge of the tape.
Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

The beauty of this kit is that it is relatively simple with only a few parts so you see some results fairly quickly. It already looks like a plane! That model pilot is probably hoping he will be flying something other than what I have built! No such luck for him though. He just needs a bit more painting and he will be in the flying seat!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

Friday, October 11, 2024

A quick, easy build with no brass etched parts!

From the start of this blog I have featured me building quite a few kits, mainly military and trucks but never a plane. However that has now changed! There is a story behind this kit. Last year, Rob at the Rocks by Rail Museum who built models some time ago suggest a build off to see who could come up with the best model. He also helpfully pointed out that Lidl, the discount store, had some Airfix kits on offer for I think £7.99. I was up for the challenge and for reasons that I cannot recall it was left to me to go to Lidl's to get two Spitfires and actually coming out with two Tomahawks as the Spitfires had sold out! I presented Rob with his kit and we agreed that the new year would be the time to build. Well Rob still has not started so I decided it was time before the new year became another new year!

The kit is one of the new style beginners packages with the kit, paints, paint brush and glue - great value! 

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

Opening the box reveals the contents which are a lot different from those that came when I was a lad many, many years ago!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

The instructions are much the same once you wade through the various safety warnings in many different languages. The paint brush is a nice Humbrol one and the paints are acrylics in small pots that can unfortunately dry out with age. Not sure how these ones will fair but I generally use my paint collection so I probably will not use these. 

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

The moulding themselves are a revelation over my memories of these Airfix kits with crisp, flash free parts that look very detailed.

With the examination out of the way it was time to start building and as Mr. Beecham commented to me when I told him I was building this, it should be a quick and easy build with no brass etched parts! He is right about the etched parts but quick and easy with my history - that might be optimistic!

The first thing you have to do is paint the cockpit interior. This is where the kit and reality are at odds with each other. From what I can gather the cockpit interior was green whilst the instructions and supplied paint say it was like a beige. Having a suitable green paint in stock I will be painting it green!

Airfix Curtiss Tomahawk11B

If Mr. B is right, by this time next week I should be finished! Stay tuned to see if that is any where near correct!