In my inevitable way I tend to move on from a project before it is completely finished with the thought that I will come back to that - when I have a minute! I have explained this to Mrs. Woody on many occasions when she has questioned when a job on her list for me to do will be finished but she doesn't seem to comprehend my words of explanation! Usually the gap between that thought and actually finding that elusive minute is sometime In some cases that 'sometime' doesn't mean days, weeks or months, it can mean years or even in some cases decades - just ask Mrs. W! However, in the case of the Heller 1/25th scale Fergie tractor, which I amazingly built and painted in little over a week, the job of adding the decals, which was indeed put off for that elusive 'when I have a minute', actually happened today - within days of the build! Absolutely amazing for Woody! But, I am not setting a precedent with this, it just happened this way and will probably never happen again! Please note Mrs. W!
The decal sheet supplied is hardly a large affair with two dashboard dials, three lights and two alternative bonnet badges so it was not going to be the most taxing of jobs!
I started off with the dashboard dials and disappointingly the white fuel dial decal broke up with the white backing splintering into tiny pieces. Not a good start! The other black baked one however went on without issue. Having no white backed decal I merely painted the dial moulded on the dashboard in white paint. I doubt anyone who hasn't read this blog will notice and it looked better than the grey of the dashboard. See what you think from the picture below.
The decals for the lights were added next. I would have much preferred mouldings with a hollowed out light shells that could have been painted and a clear lens added but the decals are what is in the kit so that's what I added. To be fair, they look reasonable, from a distance!
That is basically the Fergie finished. No weathering as such as it is a Show Tractor that has been restored and taken to shows on the back of a Bedford KM truck. Now you may wonder about that but the WMD Stores do have a 1/25th scale resin truck it for such a thing in stock! Handy! Unfortunately, that is on the backburner at the moment but when I have a minute.....