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Showing posts with label Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Mr. Muscle - but that's not me!.

Much as I might like to think that I could be referred to as Mr. Muscle days of being able to wear a muscle T Shirt are unfortunately long gone! However Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner as referred to in yesterdays post has done its job without me having to raise any muscle myself! The chrome plastic parts of the kit required dechroming so in an old ice cream container they went.

Heller Scania 141 LB

 The Mr. Muscle oven cleaner was then sprayed on.

Heller Scania 141 LB

The lid was then put on and a note left to remind me that the container no longer contained ice cream. I have a short memory!

Heller Scania 141 LB

After 4 hours lid off, upset that no ice cream but delighted in that the Mr. Muscle had done its job - does what it says on the tin - and had removed the chrome to reveal the clean plastic parts ready to be assembled. You may notice that the fuel tanks are back in pieces. I decided after doing yesterdays post that it might be easier if I dealt with them as separate parts in the dechroming process so I split them before the glue had set.

I also had an hour building further parts of the kit. Unlike the Zvezda mustang truck where all the parts fitted perfectly this kit is something of a let down. The mouldings are old and you expect some flash around the parts but when you end up with holes like these in the springs you wonder how they ever got through any quality control. A lot of time is being spent filing and making good.

Heller Scania 141 L

Even where the parts do not require filling the fit is poor. On the engine block I had to add some plastic strip to where the cylinder head on one side of the engine block mounts as there were gaps at either end. Luckily at WMD HQ there are long held stocks of things such as plastic strip which I told Mrs. W when questioning me as to why I had so much junk stock would come in handy one day - just not which day!

Heller Scania 141 L

Progress is slow at the moment but the parts build is slowly growing. I may even have a complete chassis before too long especially as Mr. Muscle has now done his work!

Heller Scania 141 L

Model resin water - showing signs of setting!!!!!