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Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Where is that pot of gold?

According to the old saying, there should be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but in this case which end? Being serious, which will surprise Mrs. Woody, this is perhaps the best rainbow I have seen for years. It just suddenly appeared whilst out on a bike ride and no rain in sight!


It certainly brightened my day as much of it was spent on those admin type things you have to do to ensure the continued functioning of financial matters so that things like Mrs. W's internet and physical shopping activities can continue without interruption and my life is, as a result, relatively blissful!

On a more mundane note more magazines to the recycling centre! You would think that there can't be many left - but there are! However, despite looking there was no pot of gold under that lot!

Mrs. W is impressed with this decluttering so that is all that matters for a continued blissful life!!