A few hours spare this evening saw some more track laying on My Last Great Project. The three main circuits are connected and the goods sidings laid complete with a double slip point which is like two points back to back and a 'catch' point, so yes there is catch! What is a 'catch' point you may ask? Well they are common on real railways but not so common on model railways and I am as guilty as many modelers for not including them in my layouts. The catch point is there to prevent and catch a runaway wagon, carriage or even train from coming out of a siding without the right of way and and onto the mainline where the potential implications could be very serious and even deadly. It does this by derailing the rolling stock and diverting it away from the main line. The photo below shows the catch point as well as the double slip and a three way point leading into the goods sidings.
At the moment the track work is at a "First Fit" stage so any issues are fairly easy to resolve. The photograph below shows where I have got to and a slightly eclectic mix and eras of trains but its fun to run them and that is what this layout is about!
I just need to lay the Motive Power Depot on the other side and then it's time for some serious playing operating trains unless of course there is a catch and Mrs Woody has plans for me to "play" with the garden jobs and painting that needs doing but she will need to catch me first!