This morning I opened the tub with the shed in it that had been coated in Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner to be greeted by this.
Mr Muscle had certainly been flexing his muscles overnight whilst I was in the land of nod! Cleaned up under the tap this was what I was left with. A record of my complete ineptitude years ago putting models together. Tube glue daubed over parts twisted off the sprue - this is a real glue bomb model!
The next thing I wanted to do was separate it into its kit components. Tube glue is not the most controllable glue to apply, especially in young inexperienced hands, but it does tend to stick parts together well. However, being as old as I am , you do come across some tricks and in this case it was to put the model in the freezer! Here it is in the company of some ice cream - in best Homer Simpson voice - Hmmmmm! Ice cream - and some burgers - Hmmmmm! Burgers!
I have no idea of the science but the joints are weakened and it is possible with care to separate them - usually! It did work in this case but I forgot I had left the model in Mr Freezer so Mrs. Woody had a bit of a shock when she came to get the roast potatoes out for lunch! Try explaining the science you have no idea about requires you to put models in the freezer!
Anyway it was a great lunch provided by Mrs. W. Following its introduction to Mr Freezer and with a pit of persuasion the model was in component parts . Some of the pre-existing damage was to the door frame. As the kit door was missing and I would have to make one I just widened the door opening by cutting the necessary plastic away as the photo below shows part way through the job.
Having glued the sides together and reversing the window frames so they now fit in from the back rather than how Airfix intended (you can see the difference this makes from the photos above compared to the one below) from the front and having made a new door I am now at this stage.
I now just need to add a new roof and some gutters, fill those holes in the front and back and then paint. If it does not work out then I can always go back to the kitchen and introduce it to Mr Blender!