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Sunday, April 3, 2022

What makes a great layout?

Following my visit to the Bingham Model Railway Club Exhibition on Saturday my mind was centered on one layout in particular. That is Cold Front, a WW1 themed 009 gauge layout. There were several factors in my mind that made it a great layout in my view and others as it won best layout at the show. Firstly was the choice of subject. In the period 2014 to 2018 there were a few WW1 themed layouts built and exhibited but they were and are a rarity. So, the subject is unusual but following the interest in WW1 as a result of the commemoration of the 100 year anniversary people are aware and interested in the subject regardless of being railway modellers or not or even being Mrs. Woody! Secondly, the presentation was first class. The layout was built on a curved baseboard and enclosed so your eye was drawn into the layout. The enclosure was well presented and it was almost like looking at a stage. Thirdly the composition of the layout was well thought out. The landscape of the layout rose towards the back making it easy to see the details and the details were well modelled. Fourthly, the trains operated well without the need for 'The Hand of God' pushing stalled engines. They were also interesting with rolling stock that would have been used in the period. Fifthly, the actual modelling was first class. Everything was modelled to a consistent high quality. Lastly, there was the surprise atmosphere created by the lighting mimicked day and night with the lighting fading to night time and then back to day through the use of clever electronics and LED lighting units. 

Well that is what in my view makes a great layout. Unfortunately with my skills and abilities I will never build that type of layout - but it doesn't stop me trying and enjoying the process!

I will end with some pictures of this great layout.

Bingham model rail exhibition, Cold Front

Bingham model rail exhibition, Cold Front

Bingham model rail exhibition, Cold Front

Bingham model rail exhibition, Cold Front


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