A bit more progress on my rather limited garden creating abilities with the building of a garden shed from some scrap plastic card from my stock of junk useful items kept 'just in case'. That together with some 'planting' of foliage and the gardens are beginning to take place. The shed needs painting which will happen when I paint the office for the canal wharf. I think I will be painting the main woodwork in a mid grey and the doors an window dark red - very Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen from the TV programme Changing Rooms if you remember that. In the meantime some photos showing progress.
Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Saturday, April 16, 2022
Garden shed.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Postal Easter Bunny.
Out for a drive with Mrs. Woody today we stopped at off at the CoOp - other similar shops are available, etc., etc. - as last weeks 'we only need a few things' shopping at the CoOp resulted in a bill sufficiently large for the CoOp to give us a voucher for £6 off our next purchase of £40 or more to be spent by today. The phycology of the offer is superb as we were duly attracted to make that £6 'saving'. Despite 'only needing a few things' again, we were presented at the checkout with a £58 bill after the £6 deduction! To rub salt into the wound we received a further voucher. This time for a mouth watering 50pence off sandwich fillers! Oh well, at least we won't go hungry this coming week!
On the drive back we past a post box. Nothing unusual in that but it caught Mrs. Woodys' eye so we went back to look closer.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Ground Force - The Woody Way!
Those of a certain age will remember the TV programme Ground Force where Alan, Tommy and Charlie would secretly transform someone's garden over a two day period. That programme was probably single handedly responsible for the growth in the popularity of garden decking and water features in this Country. However, in my World, I cannot call upon the services of Ground Force in creating the gardens on my 009 gauge model railway layout. Given that it is set in the !950's/60's the likelihood of decking or water features in British gardens was remote and most gardens consisted of lawn, vegetable patch, flower beds along the sides and possibly a garden shed or green house. Makes my life easy - well easier - in me creating that and doesn't tax my limited creative abilities - all in all The Woody Way. Mrs. Woody would agree with the limited creative abilities bit!
A start has been made and the gardens are taking shape with static grass lawns, synthetic fiber hedges covered in scatter and earth coloured patches yet to be textured for the flower beds. All very unremarkable but it does add a bit of life. I may be a bit bold and add a washing line - or maybe that might be too creative!
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Scrapheap Challenge Part 4 and other matters!
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Opening Day!
Yes! Today was the first day of the 2022 season for the Rocks by Rail Museum. The gate that I hate having to open and close each time I visit out of season was open so I could drive straight in.
There was a replacement in stock. Museums usually have a stock of useful things - much like my collection of 'it will come in handy someday' - out of sight but essential to keep things going. It was soon slid into place from the side.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Scrapheap Challange part 3 - Mr. Blender Time?
I ended my last post with the possible option of introducing the scrap box hut to Mr Blender in the kitchen if it all went wrong! I am pleased to report and unusually for me today things went reasonably well! An hour of cutting plastic card saw a roof and barge boards put on and the window surrounds emphasised with some plastic strip. I have left the windows loose at the moment as it makes it easier to paint them separately and then install. Not sure if I will put gutters on as these may be too much for the model - I will think about it in the same way I think about Mrs. Woodys' list of jobs!
I put the hut on the layout to see how it will look and it fits in well to my mind anyway!
I could probably built a new kit in a fraction of the time I am spending on this but it is nice to take something that would have eventually been thrown out and rescue it - especially when it dates back to my childhood although Mrs. Woody still thinks I am an oversized child now!
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Scrapheap Challange part 2 - Introducing Mr Freezer!
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Scrapheap Challenge!
These are a couple of boxes of junk items that may come in useful someday although Mrs. Woody strongly argues that point!
Most modellers have at least one such box where broken or surplus bits that really should have been thrown out years ago rest in peace awaiting a possible useful fate.
I need a small hut or two for my 009 gauge layout. I do have a kit from Wills and it looks good for the job.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Move that box!
Not an instruction from Mrs. Woody to tidy up my junk may come in handy someday items but a passing visit through the village of Lowdham in Nottinghamshire. Lowdham does have a railway station which is served by the Nottingham to Lincoln line.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Two Shed Fred!
The 009 narrow gauge layout has taken a few steps further forward with much of the canal wharf coming together. All the inset paving is finished and following a coat of Halfords grey primer it was given a wash of my favorite dilute black wash to bring some relief to them.
Once complete they and the walls to the wharf were all glued in place.. The two sheds were put back and my sign making skills tested with a sign for what I am terming as Two Shed Fred Trading! Although it all requires detailing the basics are there and I even put some crates and barrels in place temporarily together with a wagon on the wharf just to see how things look. What is in the crates and what exactly Two Shed Fred trades in is a mystery although rumours abound that the company is a staging post for Mrs. Woody's numerous internet orders! I will probably pay for that postulation - literally - so lets just look at the photos!