Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Rusty tracks.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Seeking the cool!
A really hot day at the Rocks by Rail Museum today - my car thermometer said it was 43C/110F in the carpark when I left this afternoon so either we were hotter than Coningsby in nearby Lincolnshire where the UK record of 40.3C/104F was recorded today or my car thermometer is slightly out! No idea which is right but it was still hot! So hot in fact we sought the cool shelter of the workshops where it was somewhat cooler - in comparison to outside anyway!
With visitors staying away and no doubt remaining at home it was a strange day but I did venture round the workshops to see progress on Elizabeth who is a 0-4-0 steam locomotive. She has been undergoing restoration for some years now and although the pandemic more or less stopped work on her for a year or two she is close to being finished although as these pictures show it does not seem that way.
However, she does have a restored and certificated boiler, running gear that is in working order and a team now painting up the sub-structure so the cab and boiler cladding can be mounted on and painted. At that stage she will be finished and operational which will hopefully be in time for the start of next years opening and running sessions of the Museum.
in the meantime its time for another ice cream!
Monday, July 18, 2022
Sand Bag!
Whilst I am sure that my MiniArt T34 Egyptian Tank would be at home with a sand bag or two this particular reference is a UK vehicle registration plate. There a lot of 'doctored' plates on vehicles where spacings, layout and character shapes are altered to make something else. You don't however see many standard plates where at first glance and the brain filling in gaps or reading what should be there they are relevant to their vehicle or owner.
A case in point today where a tipper truck from a local sand and gravel merchant was behind me on my bike ride early this morning. It overtook me but due to a steep hill and gravity acting in my favour on my large frame, I caught up with it as it waited for a gap in the traffic at a junction to join the main road. I managed to get this quick picture of the truck with its SAND BAG registration plate. It amused me anyway!.
Back at WMD HQ, the Man Cave oven saw a very brief visit where I have painted the tow cables rust colour. Due to the nozzle of the paint bottle being partially blocked, I ended up spraying a lage amount of paint out so in a bid not to waste it parts of the track were painted. With this heat progress is slow which I also tell Mrs. Woody when she enquires as to the progress of the jobs on her list! Time for another ice cream!
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
I felt like singing the song Lazy Sunday Afternoon (sung far better then I can by The Small Faces back in 1968 and available by clicking here.) I was at the Rocks by Rail Museum on the door welcoming guests to the diesel day that should have been a steam day if it were not for the fire risk to neighboring fields. Whilst it was a hot day it was pleasant enough for visitors but maybe some had been frightened off by the various warnings in the media of heat induced problems. Anyway we had enough visitors to make it a good day and they seemed to all enjoy it with some being return guests which is really good to see. The cafe did a brisk trade in bacon cobs and a selection of cakes, scones, croissants, ice creams and drinks both hot and cold. I did surprise a few by cooking myself up a bacon croissant which was delicious!
We all had a good time and this afternoon it was a little like Lazy Sunday Afternoon with lots of chats sitting in the sun or shade and I even had time to take a ride in the cab of Betty the Sentinel down to the bottom of the line and back. According to the speedometer, which goes up to a maximum of 30 mph or about 48kmph, we topped out at a very laid back 5mph!
Just a few pictures from the day summing up the good glow of that Lazy Afternoon feeling and I guess part of the reason I volunteer!
Saturday, July 16, 2022
The rear of things!
Treating Mrs. Woody to lunch out today - a £3.75 Spar Lunch Deal (25pence cheaper than the CoOp - every little saving helps!) - we took a ride out to enjoy a walk in the countryside. Having highlighted the early harvest that is currently happening here in the UK it was somewhat inevitable that our view of the countryside on our journey was at times compromised by being behind a tractor and grain trailer.
However we were in no rush, the farmers need to do what they are doing and driving slowly saves fuel too!
I certainly would rather see the rear of a grain trailer than the a T34 tank although continuing my modelling activities on the MiniArt Egyptian T34 tank I have added slightly to the rear of that as I have painted the Jerry cans that fit in the holder on the hull. Using the opportunity to add some colour one is green and the other red. No idea if that is prototypical but you do see these cans in all sorts of colours and it adds a bit of interest to the rear of the tank unlike the grain trailers I keep following!
They need to be weathered and made to look battered as most such cans look especially when in operational use.
I have also added further colour to the DShK 12.7mm anti-air (and everything else that gets in its way for that matter) machine gun which is taking on some character.
I have also glued the drive wheels in place which will enable me to do a final test fit of the tracks before painting those separately. The rest of the wheels are loose at the moment which allows me to remove the tracks. I had to fit the drive wheels because of the way in which MiniArt choose to mount them to the hull. As they engage with the tracks they have to be in the correct position on the hull or the premade tracks will not fit. If that explanation sounds confusing then just put it down to my poor choice of words!
With the DShK gun temporarily mounted on the turret things are really coming together.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Is this really only the middle of July?
Out of interest I dug out my Italeri Russian T34 that I built a year or so ago just to see what the two look like together. Interesting comparison and whilst you can see differences in the level of detail between the two kits they do look very similar from normal viewing distance.
Probably the tracks are the next thing to do but with a hot weekend that may make the Man Cave somewhat oven like and delay progress. However it will be a good excuse for an ice cream!
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Creating dirt!
Mrs. Woody would no doubt highlight that I can be good at creating dirt. Give a freshly cleaned floor and it is almost inevitable I walk in with muddy boots. However in this case creating dirt relates to the T34 Egyptian tank. Military vehicles, unless on parade, do not get cleaned very often especially if they are on the front line. Even if they did get cleaned they are working machines and will pick up dirt quicker then Mrs. Woody can pick up on me wearing muddy boots on her clean floor!
Model wise, the idea is to try to create that dirt and the weathering that vehicles who spend most of their time outside pick up. I have initially used a brown paint thinned and using a small brush tried to highlight areas that would have a stain mark around them.
I then mixed up several different shades of the base colour - mostly darker - and airbrushed these into the crevices and edges around the hull and turret. In daylight you can see the variety of colours and how these highlight the various parts of the hull. The pictures below don't show this up as well but at least you can see a difference to what the tank looked like when first painted which is the first photo.
Next up is to matt varnish the various parts and then a bit more dirt creation - now where are my boots!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Hats off - hat on!
Well I have always said I am not a figure painter and I take my hat off to those with the skills to paint perfect miniatures. However, now with hats on and indeed heads, the former headless tankers are now just about done for the MiniArt T34 Egyptian tank. From a distance they look reasonable and that will do me. I just need to finish the eyeballs (which defy my abilities to produce anything realistic!)and a coat of varnish and they will be complete. Strangely enough, I believe you can buy decals for eyeballs - I must try those!
The tank itself has had the rubber tyres on the wheels painted and I have used a slightly darker main colour to highlight a few areas. This does not show up too well on the photos but it is there!
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
More bacon cobs and ice cream!
Another day at the Rocks by Rail Museum where preparations were in progress for Sundays running day. It was to be a steam day but given the hot weather forecast it is not a day to be in the cab of a steam locomotive without fear of heat stroke and the dryness of the vegetation and the proximity of corn fields means that there could be a fire risk. So it will be a diesel day with cab rides. This meant some stock had to be moved which gave visitors an opportunity to see some shunting in action.
Whilst this was going on I was doing my culinary bit serving up bacon cobs and selling ice cream both of which went down well.
Back at WMD HQ and the headless tankers are now semi headed! Need more work but getting there.
Maybe they want an ice cream?