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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cabling up!

Getting back to some actual model making and picking up on the 3D printed crane, things have moved on. Having already made a hook I needed to attach that to the crane with a cable. Now you can use cotton or a thread of some kind as the cable but they tend to curl and not look very realistic. Not great seeing your supposed heavy hook being curled upwards by the cable! So , my plan involved real cable - electrical cable!

3D printed crane

Some scrap cable was found and a suitable length cut off. The plastic sheathing was sliced off revealing the several strands of thin wire.

3D printed crane

From the bundle of wires a single strand was extracted and putting against the crane looked right.

3D printed crane

Carefully winding the strand of wire around the winding drum required patience as it needed threading through the cranes structure as well!

3D printed crane

I was going to cover the whole drum width but after 40 minutes I had enough! There was sufficient cable on the drum and enough left to attach the hook to. I had also primed the plinth that I had previously made ready to be painted up.

3D printed crane

With some spots of superglue to hold the cable in place the cable was taken over the pully at the end of the jib and the hook now hangs nice and vertical! It all needs weathering and griming up now but that is a job for another day!

3D printed crane


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Unexpected task!

Asa with all things that get old, like me, parts occasionally fail! In this case it wasn't me that failed but the 12 volt plug on the lead out of my DCC controller to the track. It quite literally just snapped off but I guess after nearly 20 years of being pulled and bent it was going to happen. However it was an unexpected task to do in my hectic lifestyle - please note Mrs. Woody!

The problem is that these factory supplied leads are not designed to be maintained so the cover to the plug has a plastic shroud welded on. I don't have a spare plug so I was left with having to do a bodge job by slicing the shroud in half. As this is a 12v wire I am not to worried but I would not be doing this as part of a repair on the mains side of the controller.

This is the plug on the right. On the left is the heatshrink that I will used to put around the sliced through shroud.

12v Wiring

Wires soldered onto the now exposed innards to the plug.

12v Wiring

The sliced through shroud back in place but no way will it seal the innerards!

12v Wiring

Heatshrink applied and shrunk. It may not look pretty but it works!
12v Wiring

Now I wonder what unexpected tasks Mrs. W has lined up for me?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Warning - Chocolate will make your clothes shrink!

I always like a good sign and this one on the platform fence at the Stapleford Park Miniature Railway caught my eye and made me and Mrs. Woody laugh and we probably need to heed Warning - Chocolate will make your clothes shrink!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Back to the exhibits I just loved this Showman's tractor and living van. Beautifully restored and a real piece of history.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

The inside was pure luxury!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Keeping the theme of trucks this 8 wheeler ERF B series caught my eye. I have driven a few of these many years ago.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

And the same with this classic Bedford TK.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Tractors were about too!
Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This Opperman three wheel Motocart caught my eye. A teenager was in charge of it and was really enthusiastic about this piece of history. 

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There were plenty of retail stalls and displays like this one by a local Macano club.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Then of course there was the railway! A 10 inch gauge railway run just like the real thing with a 2 mile line fully signaled and run by steam locos in the main.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

The locos are all replicas of real ones.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

The guard gets a 'comfy' seat whilst passengers have to sit on the wooden benches but it is worth it!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Not running on the day but there are some diesel locos to.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This was my favorite loco. A USA outline steamer built in America as the builders plate states.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

A great afternoon out and so much variety! Must remember to go again next year and also remember that chocolate will make your clothes shrink!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024 - Part 1

Trying to pick some photos for this blog from yesterdays trip to the Stapleford Park Miniature railway Miniatures and Models Weekend 2024 hasn't been easy. I could have filled this post several times over! I will do it over two days though so lets start todays look at some of my favorite exhibits vehicle wise!

Starting with the car that I would choose to go home with and it is this superb Mk3 Cortina 2 door. A real beauty and brings back many memories of when cars had a personality! 

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Fantastic interior with acres of vinyl and masses of imitation wood trim!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

That tax disc (remember those) and the number plate dates this car at more than 50 years old and it looks brand new!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This Rover 2000 looked fantastic in that green paint work and with the upgraded alloy wheels.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This Morris Marina was as standard as they come but looked wonderful, just like Mrs. Woody who drove a similar one years ago!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Another Rover 2000, a Morris Minor Traveler and a modernish BMW were also looking good in the sun.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There were also some custom cars including this rather nice Dodge pickup.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

However this Bedford CA van was my favorite custom semi resto. From the outside it looks lovingly restored to original condition ...

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

...but look inside and this very modern and very comfy looking interior awaits. Although I didn't find out, I just know there is going to be a somewhat interesting and powerful engine under the bonnet.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

A Land Rover and 4x4 club were on site with some interesting exhibits.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There were a few other Land Rovers there to including this one with several interesting notices on the windows - I do like them!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was this more modern snorkled and winch fitted model.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was also a Mk1 from the 1950s and worth a fortune now!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

For the ultimate in off road camping - the Land Rover Camper!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was also a collection of motorbikes.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

I couldn't help but admire this mini bike from the 1960s.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

I will carry on tomorrow as there were some really interesting things that I want to record!