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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Unexpected task!

Asa with all things that get old, like me, parts occasionally fail! In this case it wasn't me that failed but the 12 volt plug on the lead out of my DCC controller to the track. It quite literally just snapped off but I guess after nearly 20 years of being pulled and bent it was going to happen. However it was an unexpected task to do in my hectic lifestyle - please note Mrs. Woody!

The problem is that these factory supplied leads are not designed to be maintained so the cover to the plug has a plastic shroud welded on. I don't have a spare plug so I was left with having to do a bodge job by slicing the shroud in half. As this is a 12v wire I am not to worried but I would not be doing this as part of a repair on the mains side of the controller.

This is the plug on the right. On the left is the heatshrink that I will used to put around the sliced through shroud.

12v Wiring

Wires soldered onto the now exposed innards to the plug.

12v Wiring

The sliced through shroud back in place but no way will it seal the innerards!

12v Wiring

Heatshrink applied and shrunk. It may not look pretty but it works!
12v Wiring

Now I wonder what unexpected tasks Mrs. W has lined up for me?

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