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Saturday, March 8, 2025


The tunnel scenic sub-base is beginning to look a little more interesting with some adornments to the previously flat brickwork. These bits take some time to make and add but do enhance the look. Just a lot more to do yet before I can say it is finished - just like the WMD HQ bathroom at the moment!

My Last Great Project

Friday, March 7, 2025

A level of sanity returns!

In Mrs. Woody's view, sanity and me are not words that you associate with each other! However, in the case of WMD, a level of sanity returns with me getting out into the Man Cave and doing some model making activity and inside of the WMD HQ the bathroom is now fully plaster boarded and looks a lot better even if there is much more to do!

Lets deal with the model making first and I am still working on the tunnel section of my layout with the installation of the various supporting piers that are needed. Although I had previously made some of these, because of the need to alter much of the main structure these no longer fitted so there I am having to build new ones.

My Last Great Project

This is where the above is going to fit.

My Last Great Project

And fitted, it tidies up that joint nicely!

My Last Great Project

The next one is now under construction so hopefully with the return of a level of  sanity to model making it will be completed shortly!

My Last Great Project

Meanwhile, the sanity level returns, in part, to the bathroom with plaster boarding complete and things tidied up. Next step is plastering next week. That will be nice!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 It is not unusual theses past few months to go to the Rocks by Rail Museum and find the engine cover on a piece of plant open as some issue is dealt with. Today was no exception with Harriot being the subject of attention today.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Following a joint consultation it was diagnosed that as everything else in the fuel system has been proven to work or been replaced the lift pump must be the issue. A new one is on order!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Down by the recently commenced drainage works there was more consultation going on as a number of volunteers watched the action.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

And the action was Andy in the trench!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Meanwhile, in the restoration shed lots of progress with all of the tubes in 1931 taken out ready for the whole thing to be washed out ready for inspection.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Meanwhile, on the viewing platform project that I am involved in, more progress has been made! The ends of the Heras fencing have been fastened to two posts hammered into the ground and then concreted in, the Teram sheeting has been unrolled and the path edges chamfered.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Following the unloading of the platelayers trolley by throwing spadefulls of  material up over the viewing platform barrier a layer of suitable cover over the Teram began to form.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

Standing on the platform gives a great view of the quarry sidings - just hope that it is appreciated! 

Rocks by Rail Museum

Not much left to do now to finish this project so hopefully in a couple of weeks it will be finished ready for the grass cutting season!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

No bath tonight then!

Old bath in the skip.

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

New bath in the bathroom but not really ready for use so its a unclean Woody tonight!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

But at least we have a toilet!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

It will all come together - eventually! And I will celebrate with a bath!


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This my bathroom - at the moment!


Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Note the toilet eco-flush system - the bucket!

Yes, this is how the WMD HQ bathroom looks at the moment. Not exactly what you would find in the glossy shots that estate agents take to advertise 'the unique opportunity to purchase a sought after property' but, from this will arise something that hopefully pleases Mrs. Woody. It better do or I will need to move into my Man Cave which Mrs. W thinks is actually more of a mess then the bathroom! Phil the builder, however, assures me all is well and things can only get better!!

Well, as appears the norm at the moment, little if any time for model making matters but I can report on the delivery of this.

Bachmann Class 37 BR Blue

And with the outer sleeve removed it does look good without even delving any further, which unfortunately I don't have time to do just at the moment. 

Bachmann Class 37 BR Blue

Of course, on the opening of any package a WMD cat has to take part which in this case is the inquisitive Monty!

Bachmann Class 37 BR Blue

I do have a soft spot for the Class 37, or as they were referred to by train spotters, tractors. Something about their shape which suited so many of the liveries they have worn over their long lives. This is the classic British railway corporate blue which whilst plain compared to some of the latter liveries, to my mind is the classic 37 livery. I look forward to getting it on the layout - when I have time after that bathroom is finished!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Under thge weather 2!

Still not feeling great but well enough to cut the scrap wood from Phil the builders escapades in bringing WMD HQ up to date and use it to restock the log store for the log burner!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

I found that the skip makes a great saw bench and the saw dust goes straight into it meaning less cleaning up! Working smarter not harder as I get older! 

With the warm weather I did feel that I should at least make a token gesture bike ride even if I was not feeling that well. Certainly gave me some fresh air but there was no power in my legs. I think local athletic snails would probably have over taken me at some stages. However I did at least get up to the local canal which I have not seen for some weeks now.  

Obviously things have been happening in those weeks with the Marie Celeste of the canal, AKA Earwig having returned and been parked (or is it moored?) in the middle of the canal. No idea why but no doubt the reason will reveal itself at some point if I can reinvigorate myself for another bike ride and indeed find the time to get back to some model amking!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Under the weather!

Under the weather! A wonderful expression to say you feel unwell, which, from my search is a maritime expression coming about from when unwell sailors were sent below deck and away from the weather to recover. Not sure if I can find any under-deck area but I do not feel well! A bad cold that has developed during last week feels worse now. Not felt like doing much but I did at least make some progress with the tunnel sub-base on my 00 gauge layout where the upper walls have been glued to the main structure.

My Last Great Project,

I also started the supporting piers which will add some vertical interest to the structure.

My Last Great Project,

In the meantime I just hope Mrs. Woody doesn't get this cold or I will be suffering again!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The rebuild begins!

 Following on from my initial bathroom butchery earlier this week, Phil the Builder continued with it as the rest of the walls and ceiling were stripped of plasterboard as well as various fittings being taken out including the toilet cistern! A bucket of water makes a suitable substitute. 

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

However, unlike me, Phil is able to rebuild and that process has commenced! Plasterboard on the rear wall makes a big difference as does the preparatory plumbing work. Hopefully next week will see even more progress.

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,