Note the toilet eco-flush system - the bucket!
Yes, this is how the WMD HQ bathroom looks at the moment. Not exactly what you would find in the glossy shots that estate agents take to advertise 'the unique opportunity to purchase a sought after property' but, from this will arise something that hopefully pleases Mrs. Woody. It better do or I will need to move into my Man Cave which Mrs. W thinks is actually more of a mess then the bathroom! Phil the builder, however, assures me all is well and things can only get better!!
Well, as appears the norm at the moment, little if any time for model making matters but I can report on the delivery of this.
And with the outer sleeve removed it does look good without even delving any further, which unfortunately I don't have time to do just at the moment.
Of course, on the opening of any package a WMD cat has to take part which in this case is the inquisitive Monty!
I do have a soft spot for the Class 37, or as they were referred to by train spotters, tractors. Something about their shape which suited so many of the liveries they have worn over their long lives. This is the classic British railway corporate blue which whilst plain compared to some of the latter liveries, to my mind is the classic 37 livery. I look forward to getting it on the layout - when I have time after that bathroom is finished!
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