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Friday, March 7, 2025

A level of sanity returns!

In Mrs. Woody's view, sanity and me are not words that you associate with each other! However, in the case of WMD, a level of sanity returns with me getting out into the Man Cave and doing some model making activity and inside of the WMD HQ the bathroom is now fully plaster boarded and looks a lot better even if there is much more to do!

Lets deal with the model making first and I am still working on the tunnel section of my layout with the installation of the various supporting piers that are needed. Although I had previously made some of these, because of the need to alter much of the main structure these no longer fitted so there I am having to build new ones.

My Last Great Project

This is where the above is going to fit.

My Last Great Project

And fitted, it tidies up that joint nicely!

My Last Great Project

The next one is now under construction so hopefully with the return of a level of  sanity to model making it will be completed shortly!

My Last Great Project

Meanwhile, the sanity level returns, in part, to the bathroom with plaster boarding complete and things tidied up. Next step is plastering next week. That will be nice!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

Cloak and bathroom rebuild

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