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Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Grill time!

It is a Bank Holiday in the UK signifying that summer is coming to an end and what better way to celebrate than getting a grill out on a BBQ and having a feast. However, this is the UK and it being a Bank Holiday it has rained most of the day! That did not stop me grilling though! Only this grilling was related to the etched brass grills for the Tiger 1 tank build.

I was really pleased to find that they had been pre-bent to form a lip around their edge which made life a lot easier for me.

Dragon Tiger tank

Fitting them to the model with a few drops of superglue really brought the rear to life.

Dragon Tiger tank

Another step forward! 

Talking about grills, I saw this parked up by a dog training section. 

Never seen anything like it but apparently the dogs are happy with it although I did see this one looking from behind the grills of his travel compartment.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Woody hounded!

 This is the third time in a week that I have, on my bike ride, come across the local hounds being exercised so am I being hounded? It is quite a sight to see but dogs do seem to have an interest in cyclists, especially cyclists legs, so best to keep your distance! 


Meanwhile back in the hound free Man Cave it was back to the 3D printed engine shed and the rusted roof got a light coating of grey pain which looks like the galvanised finish these panels of corrugated iron have when new to stop the rust - which never works!

3D Printed engine shed

3D Printed engine shed

It is beginning to come together so unless I get hounded by Mrs. Woody to get on with even more tasks on her job list for me, it should not be too long before this project gets finished or in my usual way, nearly finished!