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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Grill time!

It is a Bank Holiday in the UK signifying that summer is coming to an end and what better way to celebrate than getting a grill out on a BBQ and having a feast. However, this is the UK and it being a Bank Holiday it has rained most of the day! That did not stop me grilling though! Only this grilling was related to the etched brass grills for the Tiger 1 tank build.

I was really pleased to find that they had been pre-bent to form a lip around their edge which made life a lot easier for me.

Dragon Tiger tank

Fitting them to the model with a few drops of superglue really brought the rear to life.

Dragon Tiger tank

Another step forward! 

Talking about grills, I saw this parked up by a dog training section. 

Never seen anything like it but apparently the dogs are happy with it although I did see this one looking from behind the grills of his travel compartment.

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