One of the problems with this very mild weather in November is that you feel you should be taking advantage of it and doing activities and jobs outside rather than sitting inside in the warmth doing model making. One of the activities that has benefitted is my cycling. I completed 5201 miles this year last Saturday the 13th November, some 6 weeks ahead of my target! Hopefully I can add a few hundred more before the years end. Job wise the garden is confused with bedding plants still in full flower and needing pruning and I am looking at my patch of grass that is laughingly referred to as a lawn and thinking that could do with a cut. Hmmmm. Maybe tomorrow!
In the meantime modelling has been an evening activity and so progress is slow. However I have carried on with work on the K5350 Mustang truck - amazingly given my usual butterfly approach to projects! It is so near being finished I really need to focus myself on finishing this build instead of it becoming another of my shelf queens!
The cab has already had a wash of dilute grey paint following a similar pattern to that I did on the chassis and cargo bed. The pictures show this straight after being applied so it does look a little stark but dills and fades as it dries.
Tonight I fitted the glazing. This was fixed in place with Deluxe Materials Glue 'n' Glaze which is similar to PVA but specifically formulated to glue transparencies in models without damaging them or showing once dry. I have already masked the area that the windscreen wipers would clear and given that the door windows would be cleaned as they were wound down and up they too have been masked. This should mean that once all the weathering is complete the masking can be removed leaving clean glazing in the areas that should be clean. The mirrors have also been attached and the cab is almost finished!