As I highlighted yesterday I needed to take drastic action to try to make the inner cab unit fit the outer cab shell on the Scania 141LB. First try was a lot of clamps and leaving the model on top of a radiator for a while. As the radiator is a central heating water filled one there was no risk of fire but always a risk of damage to the paint. The idea was that as the plastic heated up and became a little more flexible the clamps would pull it into place. That was the theory and the model was completely successful in proving me wrong! Rather than breaking into a Basil Fawlty moment and threatening the model I sat back and thought that there was no other way remaining other than to be destructive so I could deal with the inner cab unit. I therefore had to be destructive! Out came all the cab innards and it was not easy as my glue joints were for some unusual reason strong! Seats, bunks and steering wheel all ended up on the work bench. It looked terrible!
I felt a bit like Edd from Wheeler Dealers with a stripped out cab putting right the underlying problems. I had to shave parts off the lower back joint of the inner cab part and file parts off where it matches up with the passenger door. I also had to cut chunk out there and cut back and reshape and rejoin the part. The result was that the panel fitted apart from a gap at the side which cannot be seen. With that issue resolved it was back to putting the parts back in with the advantage that there was no annoying Mike Brewer telling me he had worked hard in having the glove box emptied! Anyway I am back to this and yes I have tested that the roof fits!
With all the handling that the cab has had there are some marks on the paintwork which I am hopeful will polish out just like on Wheeler Dealers!