There are days when things come together and the slow but steady progress of many weeks of hard work suddenly comes together giving a sense of achievement. That sense of achievement is what I got at the end of today at the rocks By Rail Museum where I volunteer. Having started back in mid November 2034 with the aim of building a viewing platform so that visitors will have a better view of the quarry sidings and the shunting that we do on event days, that project is nearly complete. The hard work of shifting rocks and spoil to build the platform is done and today we just about finished installing the last of the barriers around it. We had two Heras fencing panels found in the Museum's grounds which we cut down by about a foot and set them against the existing barrier at the front of the platform. We had dug trenches either side of the platform so that the panels could be set in the ground which gives them some rigidity.
Alex illustrates that the barriers are perfectly safe to lean against!
There is just a need to add a thin layer of fine material for drainage, top that with the white Terram sheet that is presently rolled over the front barrier and finish off with some gravel over the top. Hopefully we should be finished by mid March.
What won't be finished by mid March is this!
The works to install drainage under the platform track continues but the corner has now been turned with the drainage pipes actually now being installed.
Next job is to build a manhole where Andy is stood in the hole. As I pointed out, he wont get much of a view from down there but he could on the new viewing platform if we can get the trains to run for Easter! I couldn't hear his answer because of the mini-digger starting up!