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Sunday, February 23, 2025

It works and looks good - in my eyes anyway!

The tunnel scenic sub-base works! Well the main construction is now finished following on from the tunnel mouths being glued to the main sub-base and the top where my card board butchery hacked a part of it away has been repaired. That bit was fairly easy as I was able to lay a piece of card under the affected main structure and trace around the 'hole' to give the right shape to cut from the new card.

My Last Great Project,

With that cut, it was simply a case of gluing it in place.

My Last Great Project,

It was then time to glue the tunnel mouths and tunnel insides to the sub-base and strengthen a few other parts of the overall structure.

My Last Great Project,

Left a while to allow the glue to dry, the sub-base was then transferred back to the layout to finally see, for the third time, if it looked OK and that the rolling stock passed through without issue.

My Last Great Project,

I am more than happy to report that it does look good and the rolling stock goes through and pass without issues! Phew! Looking from a distance it does fit in even better with the overall scene now.

My Last Great Project,

So, now it is back to building new top walls and parapets, as the the ones I built for the first design of tunnels no longer fit!

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