Turning back to my 00 gauge Last Great Project layout, I need to think about making the scenic sub-bases look a bit more like the natural countryside. Not as easy as it sounds as you need to make it actually look natural rather than put together in a garden centre! Knowing that this would be happening, a number of items have been purchased over the last few years and put into the WMD Stores ready for this moment Included in those items are four deciduous trees made by Woodlands Scenics. Bought as secondhand saved some money and they are trees with a presence rather than a 2 inch twigs which is something you can end up buying if you are not careful.
Now to achieve 'natural' is quite a hard process and sometimes it just comes as you work along and on other occasions you have to work at it. Working at it usually means taking your time and putting things temporarily in place to see how they look and feel over some time. That is what I am doing with making a decision on where these deciduous trees will end up on the sub-base. At the moment this is the initial positioning with an old bard in the centre. I quite like it but there is just a little nag in the back of my mind that says leave it for a few days and see how oit looks then.