Probably something that Mrs Woody thinks about me! Although having still got a list of jobs left to do from her 'List' the last bit of the title may not be so true!
However I did manage a few hours of work at the Rocks by Rail Museum yesterday where the ballast washing operation continued with the over sized washing machine that I talked about last week (go here to see that post). Not looking pretty is something of an understatement about the machine as it looks as though it is a cast off from the Gold Rush TV series! The loading hopper is a case in point - lots of large nuts and bolts, bits of wood and rusty metal all fastened together in a bit of a haphazard manner which would make most advocates of aesthetic design turn away in disgust. However pretty it may not be but it works and that is what counts! In addition it cost a fraction of the £50m that Network Rail spent on a ballast cleaning machine back in 2015 - go here to see details of that and indeed how much prettiness £50m buys!
Anyway, following a day at the museum I also had an hour in my man cave AKA The Room of Gloom. The foam that i had glued to make the substructure for the river banks had dried and whilst not looking pretty, once carved to shape with a kitchen knife (note to self - remember to return before Mrs. W misses it) it provided the perfect base for the next part of the landscaping work. This involved mixing up a fairly sloppy mix of DIY filler and then using small pieces of kitchen roll laid over the foam and bushed with the sloppy filler until saturated (note to self - also remember to return kitchen roll before Mrs. W misses it). The idea is that you build up several layers of kitchen roll which eventually dry into a hard shell. Again, it may not look pretty but it works. Once it is covered with model foliage it will then look pretty - I hope!
Foam has been carved to shape.
First pieces of kitchen roll and sloppy filler being applied.
Most of the river bank completed.
How quickly this will dry is a big question as the man cave can get cold so progress may be slow - but that is the story of my life!