Slowly the cab of the Italeri Scania 143H model truck kit is coming together. Most of the construction of the cab has involved ensuring good parts fit and fettling where there is a need for adjustment. Doing that gives a good strong join between parts. One area however that has concerned me is the mounting of the two aerodynamic side spoilers at the end of each side of the cab. The instructions just show a mounting bracket attaching to the cab top spoiler and the rest of the spoiler somehow magically attached to the cab side with thin air. I real life there would be brackets but non are included in the kit. I had to get creative and think of a different angle to solve this problem. Angle! Yes the very thing! I have therefore used some plastic angle from my stock of useful junk parts to create some brackets. I needed to create a few cut outs to avoid parts of the spoilers but the angle has been glued to both spoilers and I am leaving them over night to dry off before doing anything else. How successful this will be I don't know but sometimes you just need to take that different angle on a problem.
I have also painted the rubber surround to the windscreen on the front panel. I used some masking tape as most of the sections were straight and free handed the curved parts. Not my favorite job though but had to be done.