My day has mainly been spent growing or trying to grow grass.
On Chalkdon, my 009 narrow gauge layout, it was time to apply some grass after having done some ballasting yesterday. PVA glue was spread in the required areas.
Then my puffer static grass applicator was used to apply the grass.
Once the grass was applied it was left for a few minutes then I vacuumed up the loose fibers leaving what I think is a pleasing result.
I still need to add some bushes and undergrowth but I like the way the cattle grid looks and is something not often seen these days.
In the garden I have been trying to grow grass! Still suffering from the aftermath of the builders my lawn is still looking like a battlefield. I have been seeding areas having raked the clay off as far as possible. Using sieved soil I am trying to get it back to a smoothish surface too. The one area that required some digging was where the soakaway for the drain from the rebuilt conservatory. It had been left with a hump which I thought would be an easy job of just removing the turf, taking a few spadefulls of soil out and put turf back. I should have known by the fact I found a brick (they are used tro create the soakaway) sticking out above the grass that this was not going to be easy. The spade went in about three inches and hit brick. Taking the turf off there was a sea of bricks. No use to allow the grass to grow as it will just die in the warm dry weather that we will hopefully have a few days worth of this summer!
So out came about 12 inches in depth of bricks.
With the brickless void backfilled I used sieved soil to get some element of grass friendly growing media for the seed that will hopefully be through in a few weeks. It will need more levelling as the backfill compacts over time but at least I don't have a hump in my lawn looking like I have buried something. Now, where is Mrs. Woody?