Yesterday I highlighted two unusual layouts and I will follow that today with a few others.
First off something that you don't see usually at a model railway exhibition, a ScFi layout curtesy of Laurie Calvert who has produced several of these layouts, plus others, over the years. His YouTube channel, Calvertfilm has a plethora of interesting and entertaining videos on all sorts of model matters. A great gut to talk with and really gets into the part with him and his parnter both in Steam Punk costum. People like this really do make a big difference to an exhibition.
It was great to see one of his layouts in the flesh and whilst many railway modellers may dismiss such layouts, I find them fascinating and they usually make a big impression on those non-railway modellers who attend shows such as Mrs. Woody.
A short video clip brings it all alive!
Moving onto something very different and based on history and not ScFi we have this amazing duo of layouts depicting the exact same spot n Switzerland, just that they are 100 years apart! Take a look at the two pictures below. There are the subtle and less subtle changes such as the balloon being replaced with a helicopter, the horse drawn wagon going over the bridge being replaced with the Mercedes Actros but belonging to the same company! Whilst the owner explained the history of the layout my eyes just kept dating between the two layouts. It was fascinating and expertly executed and I have never seen it done before! You can click on the pictures to get the original high resoltution photo open up in a new window if you want a closer look.