A surprise visit today to the Market Deeping Model Railway Club Exhibition held in Stamford, Lincolnshire. I say surprise as up until 10pm last night it had been off my radar for reasons I have yet to work out! Anyway Mrs. Woody was delighted to go out at short notice to, as I carefully explained to her, buy some chocolate tiffin, so off we went.
I have been to the last 3 events and baring the two events cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because of Covid it has now been five years since the club hit international headlines when the 2019 event was badly disrupted by four youths who vandalised some of the exhibits over night before the opening day. To see where the Club are now is a great example of people picking up the pieces and making something even better from them. This year there were some really great layouts with some unusual and never to me seen before layouts.
Starting with Essex Brick the layout exudes a character which took me seconds to recognise as being modelled on the type of interpretation of the Victorian Industrial scene that you see in the recent Sherlock Holmes films.

It is a fascinating layout that needs a lot more time than I had to look at and spot all the details and cameos.

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