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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024 - Part 1

Trying to pick some photos for this blog from yesterdays trip to the Stapleford Park Miniature railway Miniatures and Models Weekend 2024 hasn't been easy. I could have filled this post several times over! I will do it over two days though so lets start todays look at some of my favorite exhibits vehicle wise!

Starting with the car that I would choose to go home with and it is this superb Mk3 Cortina 2 door. A real beauty and brings back many memories of when cars had a personality! 

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Fantastic interior with acres of vinyl and masses of imitation wood trim!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

That tax disc (remember those) and the number plate dates this car at more than 50 years old and it looks brand new!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This Rover 2000 looked fantastic in that green paint work and with the upgraded alloy wheels.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

This Morris Marina was as standard as they come but looked wonderful, just like Mrs. Woody who drove a similar one years ago!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Another Rover 2000, a Morris Minor Traveler and a modernish BMW were also looking good in the sun.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There were also some custom cars including this rather nice Dodge pickup.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

However this Bedford CA van was my favorite custom semi resto. From the outside it looks lovingly restored to original condition ...

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

...but look inside and this very modern and very comfy looking interior awaits. Although I didn't find out, I just know there is going to be a somewhat interesting and powerful engine under the bonnet.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

A Land Rover and 4x4 club were on site with some interesting exhibits.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There were a few other Land Rovers there to including this one with several interesting notices on the windows - I do like them!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was this more modern snorkled and winch fitted model.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was also a Mk1 from the 1950s and worth a fortune now!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

For the ultimate in off road camping - the Land Rover Camper!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

There was also a collection of motorbikes.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

I couldn't help but admire this mini bike from the 1960s.

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

I will carry on tomorrow as there were some really interesting things that I want to record!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

That Doh momen!

Mrs. Woody thought she was in for some leisurely walking through nature when I suggested going to Stapleford Park near Melton Mowbray. It wasn't until we were close that I added that it was Stapleford Park Miniature Railway we were going to! It was a great trip out and I have to go through the many photos I took so will report on that tomorrow but here is a taster or three!

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024,

It wasn't just railways though....

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Stapleford Park Miniature Railway 2024

Back in the World of 3D printed cranes I have made a hook! This will be attached to the crane by means of  either some thin wire or stretched plastic sprue. It is small so this close up picture makes it look some what awkward. However once attached and painted it will be almost un-noticed.

3D printed crane

Looking through the pile of other 3D printed goodies I pulled out the 009 gauge engine shed. It comes complete with windows and doors but the roof is left up to the builder to create. Thats good with me. 

I thought that I would do a detailed truss construction to support the roof which could be admired by looking into the shed. I started cutting strips of plastic card to construct the trusses from when for no other reason then curiosity I opened the attached bag of bits to look at the windows and doors. I also found two highly detailed trusses! It was then that the Homer Simpson Doh moment came about! Doh! 

3D Printed engine shed

They fit great too!

3D Printed engine shed

Now what do I do with all those scale 12 inch by 3 inch roofing timers?

Friday, June 7, 2024

John makes an error but finds a novel way to sharpen his pencil - all at the jungle trail of the Rocks By Rail Museum!

The sound of woodworking greeted me as I passed the restoration shed at the Rocks By Rail Museum. John was repairing an old gate. 

Rocks by Rail Museum

He had cut half joints in the wood frame and was routing out holes for the cross pieces. However and never witnessed by me before, John had made an error! He had routed the holes for the cross pieces on the wrong side! He was also cross with himself!

Rocks by Rail Museum

However John soon showed one of his trade tricks to impress me as he sharpened his pencil to mark out the new holes for the gate in the right place using the grinder! Fantastic!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Meanwhile, Alex was spending yet another day chipping off cement gathered from Ketton No1's previous existence at the Ketton Cement Works. A seemingly endless task but he looks happy!

Rocks by Rail Museum,

For me another day of battling undergrowth! This time on the Nature Trail where I have not been for a long time and I renamed it the Jungle Trail given that I had to beat a path through it! Certainly nature had taken over. A few before and after shots of what I was dealing with.

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Rocks by Rail Museum,

At least you can walk the trail now!

Having had enough of grass cutting I had some banners to put up on the way home for the next events at the Museum. Not to strenuous except I had to use my hedge cutter to cut the grass back which was hiding thr banners! 

Rocks by Rail Museum,

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Another YouTube video!

The WMD Film Crew have been busy this week with yet another YouTube video. This time it looks at what is available as 3D prints for the railway modeller and the costs, which, if you have read this blog before, you will know are fairly cheap!

For your viewing delight or insomnia cure......

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Swing motion!

With the 3D printed diesel loco complete I am back to the 3D print crane which had been primed with a grey undercoat when I last posted about it on the blog. That undercoat was then given a red top coat. There are details to paint but the main colour is red so the details can be brush painted later. In the meantime I needed to build a small plinth on which the crane can stand and also allowing it to have that swing motion. Some scrap Wills brick sheet was a handy source for the walls.

3D printed crane

The walls were cut from the sheet and a base added from some handy scrap plastic sheet to the square they formed. The crane had some plkastic rod added to the hole on the underside which is a fit into the bigger plastic rod located under the middle of the base.

3D printed crane

This photo of it temporarily posed on the layout probably explains the theory better than my words!

3D printed crane

Still detailing to do but it looks the business and will be posable with that swing motion!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

3D printed diesel loco finished and on YouTube!

The 3D printed diesel loco is finished and working on the layout! Now if only I were that quick with Mrs. Woody's job list!

3D printed diesel loco

The windows have been glazed with Delux Glue and glaze and the chassis has been chipped!

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

 There is a YouTube video about it for your viewing pleasure or possible cure for insomnia!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show

Mrs. Woody was insistent that I take her to the Sleaford Model Railway show on Staurday. Well that was in my dream but she did accompany me. A small one day show with some interesting layouts and some good traders some of whom benefitted from my wallets contents!

This 0 gauge narrow gauge layout, Salthaven Quay was particularly detailed. The interiors of most of the buildings had been modelled with incredible detail such as individual apples and bananas in the green grocers. The night time lighting was also unusual.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

This 00 gauge layout that I didn't get the name of was a very detailed steel works with industrial locos moving steel products. 

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

There were other layouts but I am drawn to the small layouts and dioramas of which there were a few.

This 3 foot by 1 foot layout was for sale and no doubt most people could find space for it.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

I was quite taken by this circular 00 and 009 gauge layout which was nicely done.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Probably the smallest layout at the show but it worked!

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Some highly detailed dioramas which were worth a close look.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

A pleasant way to spend an afternoon!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Time for a crane!

Cranes are always useful. You can use them to lift all manner of heavy items such as vehicles, crates or Mrs. Woody's latest internet shopping delivery! However WMD HQ does not have that many cranes and certainly not strong enough for the internet shopping lift but I do have one in stock for my 009 gauge layout Chalkdon. This is a 3D print that I picked up at the same time as the 3D printed diesel that I am building at the moment. That particular model has been matt varnished so whilst it dries I have started work on the crane.

This is what I got for £4 which is in my view excellent value.

3D printed crane

Being a 3D print it needs some tiding up and that round and less than flat base needs to come off. My plan is to mount it on a small brick plinth and located it near the wharf on the layout reaching across the siding and over the water. That hole in the base should provide a pivot point for some rod so that the crane can be moved and posed.

3D printed crane

3D prints can come in all sorts of plastic. This one is particularly hard so I used a saw to remove the bulk of the base and then sanded it smooth.

3D printed crane

With some sanding to the other parts the crane is ready for an undercoat of paint - in this case Vallejo light grey as I think that the final top coat will be red or blue.

3D printed crane

Some airbrushing saw the crane undercoated which needs to dry ready for top coat.

3D printed crane

Now I better go and move Mrs. W's latest delivery into the house - wish I had a crane!