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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Swing motion!

With the 3D printed diesel loco complete I am back to the 3D print crane which had been primed with a grey undercoat when I last posted about it on the blog. That undercoat was then given a red top coat. There are details to paint but the main colour is red so the details can be brush painted later. In the meantime I needed to build a small plinth on which the crane can stand and also allowing it to have that swing motion. Some scrap Wills brick sheet was a handy source for the walls.

3D printed crane

The walls were cut from the sheet and a base added from some handy scrap plastic sheet to the square they formed. The crane had some plkastic rod added to the hole on the underside which is a fit into the bigger plastic rod located under the middle of the base.

3D printed crane

This photo of it temporarily posed on the layout probably explains the theory better than my words!

3D printed crane

Still detailing to do but it looks the business and will be posable with that swing motion!

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