As I went through the gates at the Rocks by Rail Museum that beautiful and emotional song by Phil Collins came on the radio - Another day in Paradise. For me it was another day in paradise. Although frosty the sun was shining and the museum had that inviting look and I was going to spend a day in a stunning, to me anyway, place with a group of great guys!
Paradise for me is also being at the end of a shovel (it takes all sorts but at least my needs are simple! ) and todays task was to dig out all the spillage around the oversized washing machine ballast washer so that Harriot the JCB could get its bucket under the screen to collect the washed ballast. As the ballast comes out of the drum and down the screen the fine material goes through the screen and should drop into a couple of wheel barrows underneath. Some of that fine material inevitably misses the barrows and over time you get to the point where the barrows can not get under the screen so you have to dig out the spilled material. Despite the frost it was soon T shirt time!
After that job was over it was time to start spreading the washed ballast where it was needed. Having had a full week of track leveling and packing over last week, looking down the track to where the loco and ballast wagon where was a bit of a shock and a bit of a walk! There has ceratinly been some major progress made.
After the hard labour of the day I hitched a ride back up the line in the cab of Betty the loco which was nice as I can say I travelled in a Rolls Royce - well a RR powered loco anyway!
Back at the other paradise of WMD HQ the Heller Scania 141 LB has progressed slightly. The various joints in the front wheel arches were filled early this morning with Vallejo acrylic putty.
As I had a spare half hour before preparing Mrs. Woody's dinner I rubbed down the joints which just require a little more tidying tomorrow and then that will be ready for paint.
Hopefully the Sausage Hot Dogs for tonight's dinner will see a continuation of my day in paradise!