This job has been on the 'to do' list that Mrs. Woody updates and extends om a regular basis for some while now so I thought it was time to earn some credit points by getting it done. When the kitchen was rebuilt most of the room had been re-plastered and I painted what was in effect an empty room. However there was some trim around the window which we decided to remove after the plastering and painting was done. The removal of the trim revealed holes in the plaster which needed filling which I did at the time. Telling Mrs. W that the filler needed time to harden works for a week but after that even she knows it is ready to be sanded and painted! The problem is that whereas before there was nothing in the way to get clear access to the job there is now a counter top and sink in the way. So with some contortions I managed to get the filler sanded causing what looked like the aftermath of a flour bomb and that took longer to clean up then the sanding! It is amazing just how far dust travels!

The actual painting was the relatively easy part of this job and has made a difference - hopefully Mrs. W will notice it!
With the mess of the kitchen dealt with the last thing that I really needed was another mess to clear up but that is exactly what I had in the Man Cave. Delighted with the painting job in the kitchen I thought I deserved an hour in the Man Cave doing some more hill work. I had cut some more polystyrene strips and glued them last night so it was time to add some more.
However in searching for the paint for the kitchen job earlier in the day I came across a piece of insulation board that looked ideal to use in the hill job and would save a lot of cutting of polystyrene strips and speed up the job. So into the Man Cave it went along with a saw and that is where the mess began! Nothing like the dust storm of the filler but foam when cut with a saw does produce a lot of dust and creates a mess. However, with the mess my Man Cave is in at the moment some additional dust is hardly noticeable!
Once a few extra bits were cut and glued into place I put the subbase back on the layout where hopefully the glue will dry and I can finish off the contours with some more polystyrene which should hopefully be a simple task! Famous last words!
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