Starting with the painting, the internal parts of the hull of the Italeri Kanagroo APC have been top coated with some Tamiya Olive drab. I ended up having to do several coats as the first was probably a bit too thinned and did not cover well. However, there is now a base layer of paint ready for the application of further details and weathering. The details include the first aid box, the radio set, the drivers seat and the dashboard for the driver as well as some fire extinguishers.

Most of these details have been undercoated as well as some of the tools and various boxes of cargo that will eventually go somewhere on the vehicle!
Wet, wet, wet in this case is not the band of the 90s that Mrs. Woody had a soft spot for, but like many places in the UK the wet, wet, wet was the incredible amount of rain falling on saturated ground leading to flooding. The Man Cave escaped luckily but for others near by it was not so good with internal flooding just months after the October flooding.
Luckily the Fire Service was able to attend and pump away some of the water. Talking to one of the crew, the pump was sucking out water at the rate of 600lts per minute. Even at that rate it took some time for the water level to go down. Just hope we have some dry weather now.