Not the theme from Rawhide originally done by Frankie Laine back in 1958 and then given a second life by the Blues Brothers (and you can see that by clicking here ) but my Heller Scania 141LB which is now a rolling chassis - just! A couple of hours of work this evening saw the front axle completed including the steering gear. A few other parts added and then I thought I wonder what it looks like with its wheels on. So in the inevitable way that many modelers start balancing and temporarily taping parts of models together I started to put the wheels together. Usually the tyres in model truck kits are a one piece rubber moulding or a two piece plastic part. Heller have gone for a two part rubber moulding - never seen that before.
Although I have managed to temporarily put the parts together for all six wheels they are not glued yet and I need to experiment to see what glue will actually glue the two parts together. I then needed to get the wheels together and these are chromed - so another session with the Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner to dechrome them will be needed in the near future! Mrs. W will no doubt think that at some stage my use of the oven cleaner will actually result in a clean oven! Maybe - one day! In the meantime, with wheels actually on the ground on all four corners - so I did manage to build a straight chassis - this is where the kit is.
I also managed to get the steering gear to work so the truck can turn as well as roll!
Still some more parts to add but I am pleased it sits on its straight. Now, I better order some more oven cleaner which may build up unreasonable expectations!