This evening I managed a couple of hours of work on the Scania 141LB. Thoughtfully, having painted the straps on the fuel tanks yesterday I was able to mount them to the chassis which gave that a bit more of a look of a complete chassis. I also have matt varnished the engine block as well as the one for the Scania 143 and applied a wash to highlight detail on both. The mudguards for the 141LB have also been painted, unusually for me, using a conventional brush. As it was a black matt paint used to represent rubber parts it should be OK. Putting it all together (the mudguards are yet to be properly attached) it actually is looking good to my aging eyes! The coloured engine certainly adds something.
I did grab a few minutes earlier toady to put a first coat of red onto the Scania 143 rear wheel hubs which I primed in white earlier last week. Red can sometimes be an awkward colour to paint as the pigment is not that strong meaning if you apply it with an airbrush it can look very washed out hence an initial coat of matt which has a denser pigment content then the gloss red which I will apply later. Actually sounds as though I know what I am talking about. Now that is fuel for thought! Wonder what Mrs. W thinks?