It seems a long time sine I did some railway modelling. In fact look back it was at the start of the year when I poured the resin model water for the river on my 009 narrow gauge layout. Well that took some time to set and rather disappointingly looks more like a swamp than a river. It needs more resin poured but having learnt my lesson about the resin not setting in cold weather I will be awaiting the joys of a warm summer day. Now there's hoping after the past few days of storms!
The bridges over the river need to be completed and so today whilst watching the rain through the window I recommenced on the shared road/rail bridge with a wooden deck. For some reason the deck no longer fitted and even using some force would not get it to line up with the bridge supports. I cut my losses and started again. Sometimes it is the best thing to do and in this case probably saved me time. With a bit of trial and error I managed to get a new bridge deck built with strips of balsa to represent planks that fits the supports and incorporates the rail track as well. It just needs to be finally glued up having seen a few trail trains cross it and then some weathering. Funny though how running trains to trail something can take an hour of time!
Although the Scania production line has take the weekend off I did manage to finish painting the door interiors. All done with a brush which for the black rubber parts involved some careful free hand work to get the straight lines I have to admit though that there were one or two less than perfect parts and one of those tricks you learn to deal with this on transparent parts is to let the paint dry and then use a pointed cocktail stick to abrade the paint away. It does work! I also painted up some of the other light lenses with Tamiya transparent orange ready for fitting to the cab shell.