Another day at the Rocks by Rail Museum and more variety spice up my life. The lady who was rostered to run the café today was unfortunately unable to come in so I found myself volunteered to run the café and welcome guests. Luckily for those with delicate digestive systems it was agreed that I would not have to prepare any meals and only offer drinks and prepacked food. So no spices there then! It was not a busy day so I spent most of the morning having a deep clean of the kitchen area. Just don't tell Mrs. Woody or she will expect me to do the same at home!
Looking sparkling!
Whilst I was doing this job that brought me to my knees the rest of the volunteers were trying to sort out some sleeper issues at one of the points. It must have been complex as at lunchtime the 1956 book of track laying (costing 28 shillings at the time - that is £1.40 for those unfamiliar with old money) came out for reference! I think I must have aided the process by serving strong tea! Despite my top rate service the only tip that I got was to make the tea quicker next time!
The afternoon saw me reacquainted with the lawn mower and a session cutting the grass around the car park whilst Geoff strimmed the edges.
All in all another great day a lot of variety to spice up my volunteering life!