Well Mrs. Woody and me cannot see anyone until we test negative for Covid but living in the countryside I could go for a short bike ride today without fear of infecting anyone. Only 12 miles but it was a great day and too good to miss! For me, Covid in this instance is like having a cold. I don't feel fantastic but I don't feel so bad that I am bed ridden or sat watching inane day time TV with every other advert telling me I need a funeral plan or life insurance! Mrs. W on the other hand has a worse case than me so I have been acting in my nursing role today which is a change from the usual course of events. At least I cannot be accused of having Man Flu!
T34/122 wise things are getting close to the painting stage with just about everything finished apart from the tracks and I have even started those!
When moving the turret faced rearwards with the gun supported on a carrier as seen in the middle photo above. Not sure if this will be the final configuration for the model but it certainly makes a change from turrets facing forwards. Hopefully I will continue to have minimal Covid effects and be able to continue with the tracks and or get some paint on the hull and turret tomorrow in between nursing duties during these Covid days!