Work on the background scene for the 009 narrow gauge layout has continued today. In between bouts of tiding the mud pit of a garden following the building work I have been painting the backscene board. Maybe its my adversity to white after painting the rebuilt conservatory in that colour, but for me white has little place in relation to models. It is fine out of sight under baseboards where a white background can make identifying wires easier but up above it just draws the eye away from the model. Whilst I know the back of the backscene board will not normally be seen I just had to paint it. Paint colour of choice is slate grey to match the profile boards around the edge of the layout.
I did paint both sides which given that the front side will be covered by the backscene seems slightly pointless. However learning by my previous mistakes I know that the paper covering on both sides of the foam shrinks as the paint dries. Paint one side only and the board curves and warps. Paint both sides and the shrinkage on both sides counteracts itself meaning the board remains flat. Working smarter not harder as I get older! I just wish I was smarter at getting out of Mrs. Wood's job list which would mean working less hard but she is always several steps ahead of me!
As I said yesterday the backscene board will be fastened to the baseboard using Velcro strip which I have dug out of the WMD HQ stock room.
In my usual manner of impatience I did try out two of the backscene sheets on the layout using some clamps to hold them in place.
Even with the visible join it does bring a totally different feel to the layout and a real change of scene. I am pleased the way that the colours on the layout seem to flow into those on the backscene. I am happy with that! I certainly could not have painted a backscene of this quality and the £7.29 it cost would not even have covered the cost of some basic paints.
Looking from a closer view point I really do think this works well! My view I know but it is me who has to live with it!
Slightly different angle and the camera highlights what the eye misses! One of the trees on the left has fallen over! I will need to put that right next time I am in the Man Cave. Strange how you miss the obvious in real life only to discover it in a photo!
I did have an off cut of a Peco backscene which rather then being a photo backscene is an artistic one. Out of interest I put that up to see what it looked like.
I think that confirms to me I made the right decision. I just need to fit the sheets to the backboard now once I have got the Velcro in position. These jobs are never quick - something I tell Mrs. W on a regular basis!