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Thursday, June 29, 2023

More vegetational butchery at the Museum!

A rocks By Rail Museum day for me with, more mowing and hedge trimming! Or, as I like to refer to my work - vegetational butchery! With all the recent hot weather you would think that the grass would not be growing much but no! In addition the mole population of the County appear to have moved into the area leaving trip hazards and creating dust storms as the mower passes over their excavations. Not nice when you get a mouthful blown up at you!

Rocks by Rail Museum

It is only when you take the mower from one end of the grass in the car park to the other and look back that you realise just how far you have to walk. Certainly gives me an apatite for lunch!

Rocks by Rail Museum

We did have quite a few visitors today including some motorcyclists out for the day and happened to drop in. They had some nice and interesting bikes.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile in the restoration shed Thomas and Alex have finished the welding on the front of Ketton No1 and it is now in undercoat awaiting its Racing Green top coat!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Somehow we have managed to get a spare bonnet which will save repairing the original and Alex is applying the Racing Green top coat.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rob in the meantime is applying his welding skills to the pivot points of the front loader on Harriot the JCB. Rob has skills that mean he can almost weld anything to anything including fresh air!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Round the back of the restoration shed Heather and Roger have been busy cutting back the vegetation  - yet more vegetational butchery!

I think I will have a quite day tomorrow and forget about my own vegetational butchery jobs around WMD HQ. They won't run away!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


It has been a busy few weeks at WMD HQ and it is catching up with me. I need to relax a bit I said To Mrs. Woody as she inspected the latest work I have done on finishing off the conservatory rebuild. Marty the cat certainly knows how to relax - maybe I should take some lessons from him?


Anyway I think Mrs. W didn't hear me but is pleased with progress! Todays work was supposed to see the slabs at the side of the conservatory cleaned up and re-bedded in fresh cement. However they were that coated in mortar the builders let drop on them whilst bricklaying they took several hours of working with a hammer and chisel to clean them up. However they are much neater and lighter in weight and the bits of mortar that remain will weather off over winter.

Conservatory rebuild

With the surfaces cleaned off the slabs were lifted and all the muck under them cleaned out so that there is space for cement to re-bed them  Looks a bit neater already.

Conservatory rebuild

Those two bags on the left contain the stuff removed from on top and under the slabs!

Conservatory rebuild

Back with the Hornby Swallow Livery HST I dealt with the spaghetti wiring. Getting the body off the driven power car revealed this. There are wires to the motor and the headlight from the pickups on both bogies..

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

This is the motor end. For some reason there is black paint on most of the wiring around the motor. In amongst the wiring is a capacitor that needs to come off. 

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

Disassembly saw the keeper plates for the motors removed and cleaned up and the capacitor removed.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

Cutting the various wires allowed me to solder in the 8 pin socket. Basically the socket fits between the pickups taking power from the track and the wires to the motor enabling the DCC chip to take its power from the track and then run the motor in accordance with the instructions it gets from the DCC controller which in this case is controlled by me!

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

The 8 pin socket is wired in to the motor and headlight. The 9 volt battery is a handy way of testing things. There is enough power in it to run the motor. In this case I plugged a blanking plate into the socket which allows the motor to run on DC power and used the battery to test that the motor still ran. It did!

The wiring was tidied up and with that done it was time to plug a DCC chip in.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

Meanwhile the rear un-motored power car needed a DCC chip in it to control the headlight. It was a simpler job then the motored power car as there was no motor to wire in.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

There is certainly enough room for the wiring.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

With all that done will it run? I feel fairly relaxed(in my mind but not body!) that it will but stay tuned to find out!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Dealing with Spaghetti!

Much as I enjoy spaghetti, especially when the meal is spaghetti bolognaise (which Mrs. Woody does so well!), I do sometimes get that nervous twitch when looking at it as to me most wiring is like spaghetti especially in most model trains these days. I recall my old Traing locomotives which had a live chassis directly feeding one part of the motor and just one wire leading from the isolated wheels to the other side of the motor. Easy to work out and easy to work on - just like me! Well that is what I tell Mrs. Woody!

Modern day locos are slightly more complex in the wiring department and opening up the latest models will reveal wires, circuit boards and possibly DCC chips which looks more like the internals of a computer. However if you want DCC that is what you need, Luckily you buy the loco ready wired and in many cases chipped. In the case of my Hornby Swallow Livery HST whilst not being an old model it is however not a modern model so does not have a circuit board to plug a DCC chip in. Wanting to convert it to DCC meant that I had to get involved in some wiring work. Basically I needed to install a harness for the DCC chip and wire that to the models pickups on the wheels and then to the motor. I also needed to wire in the headlights on the model in such a way that they only came on whilst the model travelled forward. 

First stage was to assemble what I needed and luckily, as ever, WMD stores had the necessary parts in stock - almost like I planned it!

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

There are two power cars for the train and whilst only one has a motor the other one does have headlights and therefore I need to install a chip in both cars. How will it go? Will I get spaghetti bolognaise for dinner? Will it all blow up? I will let you know in a day or so!

In the meantime I have been enjoying the slightly cooler weather to finish my block work as started yesterday. 

Conservatory rebuild

I just need to let it dry then put some gravel between the blocks and the main wall and level up the grass with some soil and grass seed. It is not over however as round the corner I need to reset these slabs which were lifted by the builders! It never ends - just like a piece of spaghetti seems to be when I try to wind it round my eating utensil!

Conservatory rebuild

Monday, June 26, 2023

Small jobs and bigger jobs!

A nice small model railway job today, changing the coupling on one of the coaches for the HST set. The coach for some reason had couplings that look more like 009 couplings. The problem was that it did not couple up with the other coaches. The solution was to change the couplings for conventional Hornby type ones. Luckily the coach is a modern one fitted with NEM coupling pockets that mean standard compatible couplings can just be slid into the NEM slot. Equally luckily was that within WMD stores suitable spare couplings were in stock!

The old couplings on the left easily came out.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

The replacement Hornby type couplings now attached.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

With the replacement couplings in place the coach could be put into the train and coupled to the ther coaches. I just need to convert the power car to DCC but more about that another time.

Bigger jobs see me returning to the conservatory rebuild that happened at the end of last year. The garden was devastated by the building work and I am only just getting grass to grow back where mud was spread by the digger. Having at last got a surface where I can walk without sliding or sinking I now need to reinstate the edging blocks that got dug up when the foundations were dug. They disappeared with the spoil dug out so I have bought replacements and today started the job of replacing them. 

Conservatory rebuild

Conservatory rebuild

About half way through so hopefully tomorrow will see the blocks in place. 

Conservatory rebuild

Conservatory rebuild

 I also need to finish the step and reset some slabs on the far side of the conservatory so still much to do! As long as Mrs. Woody doesn't make this job any bigger I should be OK though!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

HST and that is not short for Hot and Sunny Today!

Although it is hot and sunny today the HST I am talking about is the train type. Introduced way back in 1976 and only just being withdrawn the High Speed Trains or Class 43 to use their official designation were so advanced when they came into service back in the 70's and still, in my view, look modern today. Having ridden on so many other the years I am not quite sure why I did not have an 00 gauge model of one before now but last year I started to look about for a second hand example as I was not paying out the £300 to £400 just for the two power cars that the new Hornby models are selling for. Instead I managed to find a Hornby Train Pack from about 2007 with the revised body modelling which is much better then the ones from before the Millennium. It still has the old Ringfield and non DCC ready motor in it and only one of the power cars has the motor but I was happy!

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

The pack not only contained models of the two power cars but also two coaches. Whilst the contents of the box does not make up the 8 plus car trains that the HSTs ran in it certainly starts you off.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

I do like the Intercity Swallow livery that these trains wore - I think it just looked so right even now.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

Over the past few months I have kept an eye out for the right coaches second hand to extend the initial set. Learning about the various marks and production runs of coaches has certainly been an education and but I have ended up with one coach that is completely wrong as it is the old style 7 window coach from the 80s Hornby HST model. That is staying in its box for the moment. Two coaches are actually designed for a Class 91 and DVT and have two small windows side by side at one end of the coach body instead of one at each end - it just gets complicated - but I am going to run them in this set anyway on the basis that unless you know you will never spot this! Two further coaches are actually the right ones being the buffet car and the guards end coach. The end result is that I have an eight car unit which is big enough for my needs.

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

Looks impressive - to me anyway!

Hornby Swallow Livery HST

I need to change the couplings on one coach and put a DCC chip into the power cars so that I can run it but for an outlay of roughly half the price of two new Hornby HST power cars I have an eight car formation that looks the business. 

Mrs. Woody would be proud of my budgetary skills and savings but probably not pleased that I bought it in thye first place - I cannot win!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Peco 6ft Way Gauge.

Peco 6ft Way Gauge

It may actually look more like a gardeners plant pot label that you stick into the soil of your newly planted item so you know what it is or in my case what it might have been if it had not deceased due to my poor gardening sills! It is however probably not an item on most modellers 'want' list but is actually a very handy tool. Turn it over and the wording begins to reveal its use.

Peco 6ft Way Gauge

The two sticking out rectangles on each side fit between the rails of standard 00gauge track. The gap between them sets what is termed as 'the six foot'. This is the gap on real railways between two tracks on a real railway. Any closer and there are dangers of impact when two trains pass each other. 

The question you may have is why do the rectangles on each side have a different gap between them. As the wording says the wider gap is for Setrack which are the pre-shaped pieces of track. Because of the sharp radius of the curves in set track, there needs to be a gigger than scale six foot gap between the tracks to avoid long wagons and coaches catching each other as they pass each other going round the curves. The smaller gap is for Steamline track. This is the flexible track which allows you to create any shape of track that it will physically bend to. Obviously the intention is that the curves are a lot gentler then Setrack  and therefore the scale six foot gap can be created without rolling stock hitting each other as they travel through these gentler curves. The interesting thing to note is that Setrack points when joined as a crossing will already put the two tracks apart at the Setrack six foot gauge whilst Streamline points will join together at the scale six foot gauge.

Whilst this is a Peco product most of the main manufacturers of track use the same geometry and dimensions so it is equally useful with these as it is on Peco track.

On my layout I have a mix of Setrack curves as they are curved better than I can achieve with flexible track but I do use the flexible track for the straight parts and small curves in sidings usually. Therefore on the straight parts I set the six foot to the Streamline dimensions

Peco 6ft Way Gauge

Whilst on the curves the Setrack six foot gauge is used.

Peco 6ft Way Gauge

Hopefully over the next few weeks I can move what I term as My Last Great Project, on a bit more so these gauges will come in very useful.

Friday, June 23, 2023

The DAF on YouTube.

 Not much time for model making at WMD HQ with other jobs to do such as those on Mrs. Woody's list! However I am determined to finish the Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck and to be fair it is almost there. The only parts to fit are the windscreen wipers, the mirrors, the cab visor and the side guards. I will be fitting those as the weathering progresses which is what I am currently doing. It will not be a heavy application but more a light dusting in places just to show that it is a working truck. I am going to do that over the next few weeks at a leisurely pace as and when I am in the mood for it. In the meantime here are a few photos and there is a YouTube video on my channel from the What's On My Bench series where you can see in a bit more detail about this build.

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

Here is the YouTube video.


Thursday, June 22, 2023

More experience and wisdom at Rocks By Rail!

Thursday. Not my normal day at the Museum but because of works at WMD HQ at the start of the week it was necessary to move my day to today - Thursday! A busy day too with dealing with some donations, grass cutting and putting out some banners on the surrounding road network for the next event a week on Sunday and delivering some leaflets to a caravan site! All in a days work at the Museum. However I did take time to visit the restoration shed where there was a lot of activity going on.

Firstly Thomas and Alex are doing some welding work on the body work of Ketton No1 locomotive. A long-term project, which is another way of saying its been undergoing restoration for some time now, it is good to see it moving on.

Would you believe the loco is being painted Racing Green! With a top speed of about 15mph it should be Slow Green!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Some neat welding there.

Rocks by Rail Museum

The guys have also been busy preparing the cab roof for paint having ground the old paint off.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Now for the experience and wisdom part of this post! John, who I think won't mind me saying he has a wealth of experience and wisdom, always has a way with things that just makes you think yes, why would I not have done that. Well you would not because you didn't have the wealth of experience and wisdom that John has. However, as always, I look and learn! Take today for example. John is bolting the painted running boards to the Shark brake van. He is using coach bolts which had that shiny chrome look to them when I saw the ones nearest to me.

Rocks by Rail Museum

These are the black headed ones - neat!

Rocks by Rail Museum

He must paint each one with a brush after putting them in place - that is a slow and painful job!

The reality is that he dips the head into a tin of black paint.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Then places the bolts in place.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Then just a gentle tap with a hammer and the bolt goes in and the still wet paint resettles around where the hammer hit. That's experience and wisdom!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hoping it is a long warm summer!

 Having left yesterdays post with Milly the cat wondering what was in the box, Murphy took over. Not so bothered about the box he was testing out the cool slates!


By this afternoon the contents of the box had been expertly fitted to reveal this wood burning stove.


Mrs. Woody is very pleased which makes my life easy but it also means my life is not so easy in the long run as I now have to paint the room! The paint is that faded that I cannot even get away with some patch painting of the new plaster. So, as I will be explaining to Mrs. W, I will await some cooler weather before attempting any pain work. Just hope it is a long and warm summer!

Meanwhile the Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck has made a little more progress with the internal cab fittings glued in place and the airhorns mounted on the cab roof.

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The heat is building up at WMD HQ!

Although the weather has cooled down a bit WMD HQ continues to develop its strategy to deal with cold winters. After the new boiler yesterday the open fire place in the lounge came in for attention today. A lot of destruction but by the end of the day things have progressed for the final stage tomorrow - hopefully!



Marty and Monty 'helping'!


Marty thinking that it is a very big mouse hole!


Milly wondering what's in the box? We will find out tomorrow Milly!


Meanwhile I have had a chance to fit the glass into the Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck so there has been some progress with that too! The heat is on to try to finish this project by the end of the week!

Italeri DAF 95 Canvas Truck