Thursday. Not my normal day at the Museum but because of works at WMD HQ at the start of the week it was necessary to move my day to today - Thursday! A busy day too with dealing with some donations, grass cutting and putting out some banners on the surrounding road network for the next event a week on Sunday and delivering some leaflets to a caravan site! All in a days work at the Museum. However I did take time to visit the restoration shed where there was a lot of activity going on.
Firstly Thomas and Alex are doing some welding work on the body work of Ketton No1 locomotive. A long-term project, which is another way of saying its been undergoing restoration for some time now, it is good to see it moving on.
Would you believe the loco is being painted Racing Green! With a top speed of about 15mph it should be Slow Green!Some neat welding there.
These are the black headed ones - neat!
He must paint each one with a brush after putting them in place - that is a slow and painful job!

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