It was worked out in my mind that I would start dealing with the baseboard join and track breaks on the back four loops on my 00 gauge layout. Cut the sleepers off as required, attached already cut copper clad strip, prepare wires and solder track and wires to copper clad strip. Fairly simple which it has to be for my mind to process it!
It started well! Tracks lined up ready for sleepers to be cut off.
Sleepers cut off.
Then things started to go wrong. The copper clad strips should have just slid between the baseboard sub board and the rail itself. They didn't!
Running a wagon over the track with my hand on top told me there was a slight hump in the track. Not good!
I don't really know why there is a hump but I need to deal with it now or running trains in the future will just end with problems emanating from the hump.
I did try the pre-cut sleeper strip to see if that would slide in between the rail and sub base. There was still a hump! I need to ponder. Sometimes it is just better to stop, go away and think about before doing anything rash!