I always like a good sign and this one on the platform fence at the Stapleford Park Miniature Railway caught my eye and made me and Mrs. Woody laugh and we probably need to heed Warning - Chocolate will make your clothes shrink!
Back to the exhibits I just loved this Showman's tractor and living van. Beautifully restored and a real piece of history.
The inside was pure luxury!
Keeping the theme of trucks this 8 wheeler ERF B series caught my eye. I have driven a few of these many years ago.
And the same with this classic Bedford TK.
Tractors were about too!
This Opperman three wheel Motocart caught my eye. A teenager was in charge of it and was really enthusiastic about this piece of history.
There were plenty of retail stalls and displays like this one by a local Macano club.
Then of course there was the railway! A 10 inch gauge railway run just like the real thing with a 2 mile line fully signaled and run by steam locos in the main.
The locos are all replicas of real ones.
The guard gets a 'comfy' seat whilst passengers have to sit on the wooden benches but it is worth it!
Not running on the day but there are some diesel locos to.
This was my favorite loco. A USA outline steamer built in America as the builders plate states.
A great afternoon out and so much variety! Must remember to go again next year and also remember that chocolate will make your clothes shrink!