As I arrived for a day of volunteering at the Rocks By Rail Museum this new arrival was parked in the platform siding.
I have to admit that I have taken to this loco at first sight. It has lovely proportions and a hint of quirkiness which makes it just right for the Museum! Once painted up and various parts fettled it should look great.
Still dealing with steam engines, work continues with the retubing of 1391. However, as with all such jobs, there are complexities like removing all the pipework that is in front of the tubes which is a matter John and Richard are discussing in detail.
Alex, having a variety of 'persuading' tools to hand to supplement his small dust removing brush continues the seemingly never ending cement and rust removal along with painting of Ketton No1. It will be well worth it once finished.
Pete and Pam continue with the painting of the Sundew cab and Martin has progressed with the dragline repaint project.
For me it was inevitably more grass cutting but with a pit stop to deal with a jammed drive wheel.
It may not look much in the picture but it does look very different on site. No doubt it will have grown by next week too!