Not the type of dusting on Mrs. Woody's chore list but a bit of weathering on the Italeri SU-100 assault gun with a dusting of powders. Firstly though one of the things that has worried me about this kit is the fit of the tracks. They are rubber but seem to have little flexibility. Luckily my trial fit showed that they did fit. Just need to finish weathering them before they are fitted permanently.
With that question answered I went on to do some rusting with a sponge. That may sound odd but some rust coloured paint, some paper towel and a pieced of sponge are all that are needed. Lightly dip the edge of the sponge into the paint and then dab it onto the paper towel. Once there is hardly any paint left on the sponge use it to dab on the tank where you want some random rusting. You can see my paint pallet is an old plastic top from a yogurt tub. Every so often I pour some boiling water over it which releases most of the paint and a gentle rub with a nylon scourer gets what remains off.
I also painted the seven track piece that I made yesterday. Then it was onto dusting some weathering powders. A mixture of European Earth and Industrial Grime were applied with a stiff flat brush. The exhausts got a blast of Soot powder as well.
Next stage will be to varnish the tank which will actually soften the present dusting of powders. Once that is done then it is down to some more detailed weathering on specific areas. As I said yesterday even the simplest of jobs takes time!