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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Tires or just tired?

Starting off with an update on the Italeri SU-100 assault gun. The tyres on the wheels are now painted in grey. They are rubber in real life but unless you have a brand new tyre or you have treated the tyre with some of those tyre dressing products that seem so popular and make them look as though they are a gloss black, tyres once worn begin to turn grey. I also gloss varnished the areas where the decals are to be applied. If you do not do this there is a danger that the decals with 'silver' once applied. This is where air trapped under the decal on a matt surface looks as though it is frosted. The gloss varnish should provide a smooth surface that does bot trap air - that is the theory! It usually works for me but not always. The kit itself is some years old and decals over a couple of years old tend to degenerate. The outcome is that when you soak them in water to release them from the backing paper the decal can literally break up into many small buts. To try to combat that I also sprayed some varnish on the decal sheet which will hopefully keep the decals together. Again another 'that's the theory' but I will soon find out!

Italeri SU-100 assault gun

Having got into the swing of clearing up yesterday at the Rocks By Rail Museum I continued closer to home in the WMD HQ garden. The rebuilt conservatory needs a step to be built which means that I have to clear the area of the rubble left and then probably lower the drainage pipe before putting a foundation in for the step.

Conservatory rebuild

Conservatory rebuild

I have also started trying to claim my lawn back but that is a long job!

Conservatory rebuild

Although it does not look much I have been able to a lot of the compacted mud top surface off the grass level. I am guessing I willl be reseeding it at some stage.

Conservatory rebuild
Just to prove to Mrs. Woody that I have been busy I lined the 10 bags of rubble up in a spot where she can see them! I am, after all that, just tired now! Strange that - didn't I start this blog taking about tires?

Conservatory rebuild

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