Time to solder some sleepers on my 00 gauge Last Great Project Layout. The track and wires were put in place after PVA glue was spread where the track was to go. .
The rails were then soldered to the copper clad sleepers.
Then it was al weighed down to make sure it was flat whilst the glue dried.
I still have over 50 copper clad sleepers to do so this is going to take a while but at least it is a start! I just need to solder on!
Back at the Rocks by Rail Museum I am soldering, sorry soldiering, on with the grass cutting. The wet warmish weather has accelerated the grass growth so it is hard going. As Rob said, looks like you created a grass path to the dump truck!
Meanwhile, back in the restoration shed, John is adding the final bits to the 3 plank wagon with these supports for the drop sides. They are sprung which means the sides should lower without slamming down and hurting anyone, but equally important help in raising the sides back into position.
John and Andy deep in discussion about a latching mechanism to hold the drop sides in place when upright. I think I may have disturbed the train of though when I took the picture! However I am sure they have it worked out!