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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Clamping down!

A large number of clamps on the tunnel mouth section of the sub-base that I am building at the moment as I construct the tunnel lining. Card and paper brick paper do tend to warp as they get wet and then dry with PVA glue so it is always advisable to try to encourage them to keep straight by clamping down on something such as a steel ruler.

My Last Great Project,

Although going on for the last week or so not much mention of the cloakroom rebuild but it is progressing. Having taken the ceiling down it made sense ti insulate it.

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

Phil plaster boarded the ceiling and wall which made it look more like a room again

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

Just awaiting some plaster to be applied and then it is ready to paint which is my responsibility - Oh joy!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

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